Aircraft Livery

Full aircraft livery

Our new aircraft livery printing process has taken a step forward with complete digitization, ensuring precision and adherence to your company’s Corporate Identity (CI). 

The service package includes skilled team installation at a location of your choice, or a supply-only package for fixed and rotor-wing aircraft. Our process is not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective, and the life expectancy of our livery solution is similar to that of traditional paint coatings. 

With our solution, you can enjoy superior resistance against erosion and minimal color fading, all while having access to a wide range of graphic options, including MICA effects. Based on the airplane’s operation and the intended duration of livery elements, we customize our recommendations to meet your specific needs.

Our product is high-quality, printed on white, transparent, and kiss-cut material, and you have the option of an edge seal or fully-clear coat. We also provide exceptional after-sales service that includes a smart repair process and a straightforward re-order process with short lead times. And, if you opt for our experienced team installation, we provide a two-year warranty to give you peace of mind.

environmentally friendly & 


superior resistance
 & minimal
color fading

 experienced installation & 

two-year warranty

Vinyl solutions


LXM AERO has access to the brand new paintshop facility in Münster/Osnabrück (FMO/EDDG).

Our work

View some of our latest projects

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